Since 1973, every 3rd Saturday and Sunday of July, at the Ethnographic Museum in the Kashubian Ethnographic Park in Wdzydze Kiszewskie is organized the Wdzydzki Fair. There are presented artworks of local folk artists, craftsmen and artisans (Kashubia is famous for beautiful embroidery), as well as regional food specialties.
The other attractions are performances of regional folk ensembles, rural theaters and cabarets, singers, choirs, storytellers and musicians, accompanied by shows of the traditional occupations, rural crafts and traditional houseworks. Kashubia is a cultural region in northern Poland, part of Western Pomerania, inhabited by Kashubians (native Pomeranians), who speak regional language known as the Kashubian language (incomprehensible to Poles). Pictures are made by Marek Angiel in 2017.
About location
Wdzydze Kiszewskie is located in the commune of Kościerzyna – on the map the first blue part below Gdansk (going along the eastern border of Kashubia).