About us


the city: Tarnowskie Góry, Upper Silesia, Poland

eductaion: MA in political science, Silesian University in Katowice

contact: pol4ned@gmail.com (Polish, English)

Why “Poland for Dutch people”? For several years Poland and the Netherlands have been strongly connected for economic reasons which, however, did not lead to a better understanding between the countries. So one of the reasons for creating this website was a wish to overcome negative stereotypes about Poland and Polish people. I wanted also to show to those Dutch people, who had not yet had a closer contact with Poland, how much the country has changed for the better after reuniting with the European Union. And make Poland interesting for them by showing all its beauty and attractiveness. In this respect this website is also oriented at the people of other nations and has a more universal appeal. It could be named “Poland for foreigners” as well.

Let me express here my thanks to Han Tiggelaar without whom this website would not have been created at all.

HAN TIGGELAAR (NL)  19.09.1943 – 19.09.2018

city: Lekkerkerk, South-Holland, Netherlands.

education: Docent Electronics, informatica, etc. 

Why “Poland for the Dutch?” Besides the good reasons that Renata has mentioned, there was a goal to create a tool for friendly exchanges between colleges and towns (unknown makes unloved). And showing the landscape of Poland to holidaymakers was a strong motive too. (That last thought came after the European Soccerchampionship, –Euro 2012– organized in Poland & Ukraine).

My interest in Poland was awakened long ago – by history lessons, the stories and books of my childhood (“The trumpeteer of Cracow”,  “No price for freedom”, etc.). My tour guide and Internet friend Renata organized a wonderfull holiday stay in Cracow. In the following years some trips through the south and the north of Poland were made. Thus, there was a motive and material for this “project”.

Great thanks to Renata – without her very substantive contributions this presentation would have never reached this level.

Photo cooperation: Marek AngielKatarzyna Olczak, Dorota Mazur (foto’s) 

We also want to say thanks to those friends who have helped us in some way:

  • Wisja Pannekoek (Netherlands) – for technical support.
  • James W. Friedman (USA) – for the simulation of the Panorama Raclawicka and English corrections.
  • Carlo (Sicily) – for making maps of the routes.
  • Ken MacLaughlin (Australia) for correcting our imperfect English in several texts in the English version of the website
  • Marek Angiel – for pictures & texts and other help
  • Special: Prof. Nella Shutova of the Department of Translation and Applied Linguistics of Udmurt State University, Russia  for help in translating the English content into Russian.


  • English and Dutch – Han Tiggelaar
  • English and Polish – Renata Głuszek
  • Russian – students of the Department of Translation and Applied Linguistics of Udmurt State University, Russia – read:  Российские переводчики

Renata en Han


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