Help for Lenka ☼

From Renata: here is a story of my work colleague Daria’s daughter Lenka. She was born at 24th week of pregnancy and struggled for life. She won the battle and is 2 years old now (December 2016) but her life will not be easy. She needs medicine and rehabilitation so what we can do is to help her to feel as well as possible.



Summer 2016, Lenka can breath for a while with no support!

The story of Lenka by her mother Daria (early 2015)

Lena Witczak was born in 2014. in 24 week of pregnancy, as the first of the twins. She weighed 540 g and survived while her brother had to die. But her fight for life is not easy. How much can suffer a baby? Now Lenka is fighting for healthy lungs and liver and on psychomotor performance. The other diagnosis: intraventricular hemorrhages .: (II / III level), Cytomegalovirus, 4 sepsis, retinopathy III st., Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (6 months breathing through the ventilator), jaundice, cholestasis, severe infections requiring antibiotic therapy, not amenable to treatment of liver failure, profound deafness, cerebral palsy, a narrowing of the larynx, the suspicion of cystic fibrosis.

Lena Witczak (2)

Lenka underwent two operations and can not function without adequate oxygen and monitoring equipment, and is nourished enterally. The most important needs are special nutrition, intensive rehabilitation, a good hearing aid and a portable oxygen concentrator, which will enable her going out of the house. There were days when Lenka literally fought for every second of life, few times the doctors did not give her a chance. And she still fights and wants to live.

The description above does not fit all transitions, but there are so many that could be shared by several children. Suffice to say that it was so hard that Lenka had to be put into a pharmacological coma to even survive several weeks and had constant infusion of morphine for pain relief.

Lenka was already dead but the girl is a fighter! If nothing unforeseen happens, it can be said that the struggle for life is won. Now we are fighting to get her out of this mess, which is extreme prematurity. The consequences will be held until the end of life, but we want to make her life as comfortable as possible.

To that could be, Lenka must be rehabilitated and must have adequate oxygen equipment.

If you want to help, please, support Lenka with donation.


Thank you!

Lenka Witczak on Facebook

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